Imagine you're in a world where everybody suddenly vanishes when you wake up what do you do with your time and where would you go

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    Well hopefully there is a Steam sale on.
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    Fap in public (◠ᴥ◕ʋ)
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    You mean outside?
    No people -> no public masturbation.
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    I would be bored out of my mind.

    If I was immortal, I'd just keep working on the AI uprising. Not much else to do.
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    @metamourge no private either xD
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    To the hospital to clone human. Create army of clones, send them to Sahara and order to build pyramids and Sphinx.
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    At least, there would be nobody with stupid HASHTAGS on devRant.
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    I would start exploring nature and I would slowly try to recreate society the CIVIII way: cartography, oceanography, written letter, physics, chemistry,.. I would go out and learn about the world. In fact, I'm already doing that but with less time on my hands.
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    I would try to figure out which spot of the world is the farthest from any nuclear power plant and try to get there before they all blow up.
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    @ddephor They wouldn't blow up, silly. Just catch fire after the coolant evaporated, and spread radiation in an honestly pretty small radius.

    The wind is more dangerous.
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    @Root Except Charrnobel and Fuckmeshima, those just fucking blow up.
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    @Demolishun That was due to user error. If you remove too many control rods or it turns into a brown nuke!
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    Oh those still exist?
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    @Root Not in Fukushima. That was the questionable decision to build a nuclear power plant in a region prone to earthquakes, and what's more, close to the coast.

    While the designers avoided single points of failure, they did not account for single event upsets, i.e. an event that disables primary and backup systems at the same time.

    Who could have expected a tsunami on a coast in an earthquake region after all?!
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    Dodge the planes falling out of the sky lol
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    @Fast-Nop Ah, I didnt know that was the cause. Yep, that's a serious case of stupidity right there.
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    Clean the house, and take solace in the fact it will now stay clean.
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    @SortOfTested It won't because of dust. But at least there won't be clutter ever again.
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    It's less about generation and more parallel generation I can compete with ☺️
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    Probably freak out and assume I'd gone mad. Probably then actually go mad.
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    @rutee07 let me know when you do and what number it is, so i can do one less lol
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    @Fast-Nop what does your username mean? Is it fast in German or English? And Nop does that stand for no operation?
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    @Root They wont blow, they will automaticaly scram before that happens. Some of them might melt a little. But if you are not in russia where rbmk still exist... You are propably safe.

    I might be more worried about internet going down soon...
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    @Gregozor2121 That's what they tell the public. But if there is no one to operate the power plants, they will get into hazardous states and at the end they will blow up, just like Chernobyl did.

    I'm sure the systems are not that autonomous to safely run that stuff for years or shut it down in a way it will be safe for the remaining time of activity of the fuel rods.

    Nuclear energy is unrulable for mankind.
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    @ddephor I dont want to start a debate again. If they had done it propely then there is no danger (little). If some higher ups where cheaping out.... then you know...
    But we dont have any fucking graphite moderated reactors outside russia FFS. No chernobyl is going to happen. Meltdown? maybe is it a problem? nah look 3 mile island
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    @ddephor With great power lies great resposibility. And fucking managment dosent fucking care.
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    Reminded me of the bokeh movie, watch it on the flixx
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    @chagai95 "nop" is my favourite assembly instruction which does indeed mean "no operation". However, it's too short for a username, so I chose a speed optimised version. Hence, "fast" as English word, not as German.
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    @Fast-Nop We laughed a lot at this last year in college.
    I found my tables 2 minutes ago, funny, I had them in a pile of papers to reuse.
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    @Fast-Nop i know right #good comment
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