Hey pals, do you know any good RSS feeds about programing,Unix,hacking,... ?
Can be in German or English.

  • 3
    National Vulnerability Database has several feeds, and two RSS feeds.
  • 1
  • 0
    What is an RSS feed?
  • 1
    I just use feedly and hit explore when I want more content.
  • 1
    F***, am I too old with my 30 years now for that?
  • 3
    @blubberfish I would expect you to know what RSS is with that age 😅

    All the cool kids used to use to back with feedburner and the likes.
  • 1
    @C0D4 yeah I know what it is... but never ever used it, not even in my younger years
  • 3
    @blubberfish oh, how you missed the good days.

    There was nothing like having certain applications download certain content as it became available all by its self...
  • 1
    @C0D4 Done that, torrents were pretty actual at my teenage years, what was going on elsewhere?
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