
Python will occasionally forget how to do comparisons, so a statement like "if x == y:" will sometimes be false even if x == y. And then when someone else tries it or you reboot, it's all fine.

  • 4
    I hope there is some reasonable explanation around this (f.e. app's codebase doing some weird stuff)
  • 1
    @myss i had a program that summed 2 files and compared the sums but the comparison was always False, even if it shouldnt've been. That's literally all it did at that point. That was fun to "fix" before making it more complex...
  • 2
    This. Even though I love python, this is so fucking true.
  • 1
    @Parzi How exactly should the sum of two files be defined?
  • 0
    @Godisalie not addition-type sum, md5sum.
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