Anyone else have trigger words that make them excited about programming?

I can come home from a full day of work, hear the word "append" or "include" and then instantly want to down an energy drink do another 8 hours.

  • 3
    uh programmer fetish talk.
    So if I'll say those words to you all day long, you would programm me the next facebook for a sixpack of redbull right?
  • 5
    No, but I do have rage inducing trigger words such as 'Oracle Forms' or 'Macros' or 'VBA' 😂
  • 1
    I sometimes get that feeling, but I don't know what triggers it. I know that I probably need an external serotonin boost beforehand though.
  • 0
    Compilers and compiler Theory. Also anything related to trees makes my dick hard. Never thought I'd be writing a statement like that before.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack Found the biologist.
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