Well, if your backups don't include /etc/nginx, make them include that directory. Mine's gone and I'll have to configure that again Friday evening. Woops.

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    (basically *.kescher.at is not going to be reachable via HTTP(S))
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    Keepass and git are good for daemon configs too. Also, of course, an actual server automation software like puppet is purpose-made for exactly that.
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    Or use a cloud provider. Not in “let’s spin a VM/container” mode, but really, as a real platform and infrastructure provider.
    So your configuration is separated from your app code. (Ex : Azure SQL, WebAPP).
    Right now, we have 0 WMs or containers to deal with. 0 administration, updates and other things I feel like a waste of time.
    But yes, it comes with a price tag.
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    @NoToJavaScript the VPS this runs on is paid until next year, haha.
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    2 weeks ago I had a great work satisfaction... 4 years ago I was fired (but because emotional issues I havent resolved) and had an interview at globant with a guy named X... He destroyed me and obviously I was desesperated; he didnt gave good feedback... I solved my enotional issues, got married and on january decided to switch from job... This time I interviewed for a different company but curiously the SAME guy interviewed me... And I had an excellent performance... So... This time I was hired !!!... so thankful to god...
    Realized that the thought of being useless was a lie; I had to carry on...
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