I just realized that I have actually mastered the ways of the rubber duck debugger with the help of ... stackoverflow.

I just couldn't get my head around a problem thought about it for hours.
Googled for similar solutions, but didn't find anything.

In the end, I decided I'd do something I usually wouldn't and post a question on stackoverflow.

While carefully writing out and explaining my problem, it just made click.

I had it...
It works now...

  • 1
    Almost every time I've needed help and resorted to StackOverflow, I've found the solution while writing up a detailed question and listing what I've tried and why it doesn't work.

    I think I've only posted like five questions total?
  • 1
    This would have been my third or fourth question I think.

    It's just astonishing how just explaining it in detail, clears your head enough to see a solution.
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