
*Punches a wall or something*

Ugh, newest version of PHP-FPM apparently has a dependency on a Systemd package. The package doesn't change the system's init daemon to systemd, but just the fact that it has that, that more and more stuff is becoming dependent on that crap of a bloated piece of software is driving me crazy.

I hate systemd from the bottom of my soul, not for being a bad piece of software by any means. The systemd environment is quite well fitted together, but for being a monolithic monstrosity that is taking over more and more of the traditionally independent system services.

It would be absolutely good in my book, if it allowed a user or admin to choose which parts of SystemD they are going to install, and so, in the core, it would be a mere init daemon.

But noooooo, systemd has to take over cron, system dns resolver, home and user management and I bet its not the end.

GNU/Linux is becoming GNU/SystemD/Linux...

  • 0
    I suppose you could use fast cgi instead and manage it in absentia the process manager abstraction.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested I wouldn't care if it was my personal PC, but its a server. One of many I get to manage. Meaning that soon, this change is gonna happen at dozens of machines.

    Changing the core infrastructure like a PHP server is way too hard and next to impossible in the current setting. Having years of experience with PHP-FPM, its just not happening.
  • 5
    Not being a bad piece of software?!
    Bugs an vulnerabilities are reported constantly and bug-related issues have been closed without fixing.
    One of the systemd devs (pretty much on the same level as poettering) even got expelled from the kernel-project for doing so.
  • 1
    Sounds like a strong case for containerization to me. Move the entropy into the deployment abstraction.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Also not our call. We're a system management company. We take care of the system configuration so that client software can run. So a huge change like that is simply not possible.
  • 6
    Microsoft: desktop Linux is shit and not a threat, so let's make Windows shittier.
    Linux folks: Windows is getting shittier, so we can make Linux shittier.
    Apple: let's make shit prettier.
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    @metamourge sorry, haven't been pairing systemd bugs much mind, am trying to stick to sysvinit.
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    I've never been a fan of systemd and I lament the fact that it's the direction the world is going, but switch to Arch has been great in learning it better.
  • 1
    I really hope Poettering dies (hopefully in some gruesome way) simply so he stops building such horrific monstrosities and forcing them on everyone.
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