
I just found out that Discord disables right click. FUCK DISCORD. Not like I can't still inspect element, it's just a lot fucking more inconvenient since I have to trudge through this mess of a DOM looking for it. Fuck whoever decided this was a good idea.

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    Making a node.js discord bot?
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    Bruh. Just open DevTools with F12 and use pinpoint to pick element you so desire to look DOM contents of.

    Like, think of users that sit on web Discord and accidentally right-click on backgrounds and paddings. You think they need it: need to see this OS menu yet again without purpose?
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    @Ranchu No, just wanted to inspect the DOM to see how the separation of messages worked. It started with me noticing how if I drag-select text, the current message gets a blue background but adjacent messages get a white background. I'm fond of inspecting HTML on apps like this just for curiosity's sake :)
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    @Yujiri I share your curiosity there.
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    @vintprox Oh neat, I didn't about that pinpoint tool. Not a reason for disabling right click anyway
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    @Yujiri no problem

    And no, it's quite opposite: take average user's point of view as origin. They expect to feel Discord as native as on desktop. You wonder "why removing right-click on free area?" But as that user who didn't give a penny about what is HTML, they just want to communicate effectively, but whoops - accidental right-click and they're out of loop for a brief, but significant in user experience, moment. These right-clicks accumulate to routine they start to hate. Obviously Discord loses less with this approach of removing free right-click rather than leaving "as-is".
    Just imo, I'm no way affiliated with Discord and its partners and don't know what they really intended by making such a change, I just made a look from user's POV - hope it makes you to think of interfaces in strategic way a lil bit 🤫😉
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