i love redis so fucking much

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    Should I use it for async queue's? Is it faster than storing queue's in the database?
    By queue's I mean laravel jobs
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    @NarkoCat its probably gonna be faster than your db, yeah
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    Remember it's all in RAM. Random access memory and volatile. So you can't rely on it
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    @Mba3gar it dumps itself on the storage regularly
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    @NarkoCat Laravel Horizon does it all for you, if you're looking into Laravel queued jobs on Redis.
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    @Mba3gar RDB makes it less volatile, AOF makes it as trustworthy as any other database.
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    @yellow-dog @bittersweet well it might be but not very safe you know right ?
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    @Mba3gar With Redis AOF "everysec" you can indeed lose up to a second of data persistence. Usually, that's not a huge problem.

    If it is, you can also set AOF to persist always, sacrificing a bit of write performance for absolute data safety.
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    Redis is amazing. Don’t store data in redis you can’t get elsewhere. Redis is fast and wonderful. But also don’t ever scan the entire key space either.
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    I do feel like almost all people underestimate Redis.

    It's not just a key-value store. Sure, if you store all your data as key-value using SET/GET, it's a key-value store.

    But you can store Geo info. You can add secondary indexes, even r-tree/kd-tree indexes. zsets are amazing for indexing, to create complex aggregates. You can use it perfectly fine as a graph database. You can use it for pub/sub or to process streams with kafka-style consumer groups.

    People have implemented ML tensor datatypes for Redis, and re-built a faster SQLite clone with complete feature-parity on top of Redis.

    So whenever someone says: "You shouldn't use Redis for x, because it's only a key-value store" I always feel like saying "Yeah and Java is only used for Minecraft addons".

    Of course, it's not always the perfect solution; but for many problems it CAN be used pretty effectively.
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