
*launch software*
> goes tits up with no info
*restart machine, launch software*
> still goes tits up
*su to the user it runs as and run it manually because fuck you shitstaind*
> still goes tits up
*launch with debug logs enabled*
> suddenly works

What is this black magic?!

  • 6
    Probably a reeaallyy fucked up if-statement.
  • 3
    It knew you were into finding its sins
  • 8
    You're debugging it so it hid itself from showing what it really did when you were not watching.

    Guys, it's alive!!
  • 6
    If (!debugEnabled() && rand.nextInt() % 13 == 0) { runProperly(); }
  • 2
    Race condition? If you're building it from source try building with debug and no optimization and see if it works. Optimizing compilers can get a bit eager sometimes (trigger optimizations assuming undefined behaviour won't happen, etc.), somebody might've forgotten to mark something volatile (if it's C/C++).
  • 8
    Quantum software. Behaves differently when observed.
  • 1
  • 1
    @sideways I will definitely use that.
  • 1
    I wrote a program once which wouldn't run without a System.out.println("initialized"); right after it had initialized everything and was about to run the main program loop.
  • 0
    They know you’re watching now lol
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