
You know what, I'm out of devRant until Coronavirus is over. I can't take one more repost of the TCP UDP handshake shit.

  • 8
    I'd shake your hand for this post
  • 1
    @dufferz I don't get it
  • 10
    Have I been missing some terrible Corona memes?
  • 4
    Go into settings, turn off the filter allowing “joke / meme”. Select “recent” for sorting algorithm. Welcome to the real devRant.
  • 9
    @Diactoros you forgot the "do not show reposts"
    That -- option is a community helper.
  • 1
    @Root I saw that post here once. A few days ago.

    Maybe he was just seeing the same post over and over again?
  • 2
    @C0D4 dude I didn't know that option existed! You saved my life (from memes)!!
  • 0
    Didn't see that either. Glad though. TCP/UDP jokes are often really bad in the first place. Add {{recent media hype}} and I can only imagine how bad it is.
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