Some of you know I'm an amateur programmer (ok, you all do). But recently I decided I'm gonna go for a career in it.

I thought projects to demo what I know were important, but everything I've seen so far says otherwise. Seems like the most important thing to hiring managers is knowing how to solve small, arbitrary problems. Specifics can be learned and a lot of 'requirements' are actually optional to scare off wannabes and tryhards looking for a sweet paycheck.

So I've gone back, dusted off all the areas where I'm rusty (curse you regex!), and am relearning, properly. Flash cards and all. Getting the essentials committed to memory, instead of fumbling through, and having to look at docs every five minutes to remember how to do something because I switch languages, frameworks, and tooling so often. Really committing toward one set of technologies and drilling the fundamentals.

Would you say this is the correct approach to gaining a position in 2020, for a junior dev?
I know for a long time, 'entry level' positions didn't really exist, but from what I'm hearing around the net, thats changing.

Heres what I'm learning (or relearning since I've used em only occasionally):

* Git (small personal projects, only used it a few times)
* Backend (Flask, Django)
* Frontend (React)
* Testing with Cypress or Jest

Any of you have further recommendations?

Gulp? Grunt? Are these considered 'matter of course' (simply expected), or learn-as-you for a beginner like myself?

Is knowing the agile 'manifesto' (whatever that means) by heart really considered a big deal?

What about the basics of BDD and XP?

Is knowing how to properly write user-stories worth a damn or considered a waste of time to managers?

Am I going to be tested on obscure minutiae like little-used yarn/npm commands?

Would it be considered a bonus to have all the various HTTP codes memorized? I mean thats probably a great idea, but is that an absolute requirement for newbies, or something you learn as you practice?

During interviews, is there an emphasis on speed or correctness? I'm nitpicky, like to write cleanly commented code, and prefer to have documentation open at all times.
Am I going to, eh, 'lose points' for relying on documentation during an interview?

I'm an average programmer on my good days, and the only thing I really have going for me is a *weird* combination of ADD and autism-like focus that basically neutralize each other. The only other skill I have is talking at people's own level to gauge what they need and understand. Unfortunately, and contrary to the grifter persona I present for lulz, I hate selling, let alone grifting.
Otherwise I would have enjoyed telemarketing way more and wouldn't even be asking this question. But thankfully I escaped that hell and am now here, asking for your timeless nuggets of bitter wisdom.

What are truly *entry level* web developers *expected* to know, *right out the gate*, obviously besides the language they're using?

Also, what is the language they use to program websites? It's like java right? I need to know. I'm in an interview RIGHT now and they left me alone with a PC for 30 minutes. I've been surfing pornhub for the last 25 minutes. I figure the answer should take about 5 minutes, could you help me out and copypasta it?

Okay, okay, I'm kidding, I couldn't help myself. The rest of the questions are serious and I'd love to know what your opinions are on what is important for web developers in 2020, especially entry level developers.

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    Thats a solid stack, i would add sqlalchemy and maybe mongo or redis.

    Interview questions are usually bs algorithms, yes, but you can grab the attention of hr with some cool personal projects, i would recommend making a onenote clone that syncs between platforms (web/desktop), fairly easy to make but looks good in your portfolio.
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    Isn't your chosen career being a trolling mathematician?
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    No, but my hobby is trolling using my prodigious powers of mentally ill delusions of grandeur!

    You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only e^iπ + 1

    Oh shit I lapsed into Elton John again, I'm so sorry. Time to up my dosage!
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    @M1sf3t You and your dots! I swear you do it to antagonize me!
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    Seems like a pretty solid stack to me. The one thing to consider is that different applications will have different tech stack targets. With this I mean: local businesses are more likely to be built around a small php codebase, startups in hot/new stuff like Rails, Laravel, etc and enterprise shops will be targeting stuff such as the jvm or something inside the .net.

    This is obviously a generalization and you will see different mixes everything, but you need to figure out what you want to work with and dedicate yourself fully to learning everything in between as to not be surprised, you do not have to be an expert in everything, just enough to not get lost when something comes up. You are already in standing terms with SQL, this is so important because a lot of developers only go over the basics and forget about everything else that SQL brings to the table(badum tss).

    Interviews are a 50/50 hit or miss in terms of topics, but algorithm bs comes out very often.
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    @M1sf3t you're a god next to myself.

    I keep on thinking devrant needs to have a 'study' jam, or group.
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