"A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system." - John Gall

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    I call bullshit.

    You cannot keep adding stuff in top of something simple, it's just gonna turn out a mess and filled with bugs.
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    @ItsaMeTuni I'm intrigued that you disagree. So, how did the complex systems you know come about? Were they all done with "Big Design Up Front"?
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    @ItsaMeTuni Linux is a pretty damn big system built entirely out of tiny pieces on top of each other, and it isn't an unmanageable mess.
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    @VaderNT @Lor-inc Stuff is made by iterating your architecture until it's decent. You cannot make something simple and keep building upon it, one day it's gonna get too messy. You make something simple, it works for some time and then you need rewrite/refactor it into a more complex system.

    EDIT: reading the quote again it seems I might've missed the "evolved" part. So yeah, ignore my first comment :p
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