
Spent all afternoon and night, trying to get Windows reinstalled on my old college laptop because my dad needed another pc since I'll be using his personal laptop to wfh.

1. DVD Drive is faulty, slow/faulty reads
2. I don't have product keys (they're all stores on a USB disk, I should make a backup... that I didn't bring back to their place) except for Vista and Win 8 but Win 8 key already used by another PC. I have a burned Win 7 disc
3. Apparently it had a virus which was never removed, fresh reinstall never done. It hides the DVD drives and kills the internet and makes the installers think there's only 400MB.
4. I followed some wiki that said to Mark the C drive as Active... Which fixed the issue but then I decided to do the full install from boot... Except on reboot, apparently this fcked up the MBR
5. Tried googling how to fix the MBR, eventually found some USB app that supposedly fixes it. Create a USB boot disk, not recognized
6. Finally try the DVDs and release it recognize them somewhat when booting... Win 7 one kept hanging on the load screen
7. Somehow Vista got thru and actually installed...

Now IE and Chrome both complain about HTTPS issues and how they don't support Vista...

But at least my dad now had a laptop he can use to do non-work stuff while he uses his company laptop to do work.

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    Redownload windows 10 installer on microsoft website
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    Next time install from floppy disks
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    @devTea no internet, the virus killed the internet and the largest USB stick I have was 2gb.
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    @electrineer I don't have that many floppies or floppy drive?

    So they still make that stuff?
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    @billgates that's what I thought about dvd's
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    Linux live boot and grub to the rescue
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    @SortOfTested I thought about that but couldn't figure out how that would work for fixing windows bootup. My dad does not want Linux as the os and actually most major Linux diatros are like 4gb too.... It maybe the famous ones like ubuntu.
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    Back it up using live boot and wipe/reload. That'll fix the mbr. I also keep a second external drive sitting around with a few Linux instances that is aware of my windows install. Whenever the mbr gets fragged, I plug the external in and use it to boot, then fix whatever is mucked.

    The MBR is just a reference of the max 4 primary partition on your system. Ideally next time you reload you can install with a GPT instead.


    If size is a concern, use alpine and load the tools live (will need an Ethernet cable):

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    If you have a working bootable USB stick, put a live Linux or FreeBSD on it, wipe the disk clean with dd, then install Windows freshly.

    Also, any half-decent laptop these days has the Windows product key stored in UEFI.
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    Win7, Windows Loader.

    Also you can now upgrade from Vista to 7 with a 7 install disc and it'll use the Vista key.
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    @Parzi hm maybe will try that next time... Can it clean install or has to be upgrade install?
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    @billgates upgrade only, iirc...
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