
Wait... Do people really think C is an accurate way to learn how a computer works... Please tell me it isn't so

  • 25
    Well, it comes closer than any other high-level language.
    But its still a considerably large abstraction over ASM.
  • 35
    pfft. Of course not. Everyone knows python is how computers work. You just import CPU and you're good to go
  • 18
    @M3m35terJ05h Python? HTML is how computers work
  • 11
    With the way CPUs are designed these days I'm pretty sure only a couple Intel and AMD employees know how computers work. What with their pipelining and smt and prefetching and speculative execution
  • 0
    @FrodoSwaggins in your example, I don't get why the compiler is free to assume that the divisor is not 0. I get the reordering part, but why when dividing by some variable the compiler would be like "oh this person knows division by 0 is invalid, let me assume that the divisor variable is not 0".
  • 0
    I want to know why you don’t think C is a great language to start learning programming? I really want to hear, because my view is Programming is being Taught programming and software engineering the wrong way... there’s this huge push for high level languages and tools that make things easy.. but then these kids have an extremely weak foundation... I am actually working on a very large free Video series to correctly teach programming ... putting my 15 years of experience as well as my other colleagues experience into this aswell, the key is a solid foundation of the basics and working up from there.. just like a video game it teaches you the extreme basics first and works up from there it doesn’t just drop you off at level 50 and say well this is how todo stuff from here forget about level 1-50... where just gonna his that behind this tool.
    It’s going to be very in-depth and free. Many hundreds of hours will be going into this, it’s our give back to the industry and community as we believe many newer folk we have noticed thru interviewing have a large lack of understanding certain topics we view as basics and fundamentals.. AND oddly so many students go to these higher level languages for reasons we don’t understand anyone with business knowledge knows lower level is a massive billion marketing with a huge void of people to fill the portions... I guess people think high level more powerful more access to ram and all that stuff capabilities are endless.. I argue the person isn’t experienced enough to write code that effectively uses that much power. Start small work up.. and everyone in the industry will improve things...
    And I’m not advocating only low level I think it’s all important but you must start somewhere and principles of design and understanding how things are now where they came from and why are explained thru low level concepts broken down to simple things...
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