
My 2 cents on different OSes to use.

I think Linux is best for running servers and services and having long run times with little issues (when its Console and not GUI based.) But I have a lot of issues with using its GUI distributions like Ubuntu and it feels kind of unpolished in that area.

I prefer macOS for its GUI as it actually works and has far less issues than Windows GUI and is (IMO) better than Linux GUI's by far. But macOS just doesn't feel like it was designed super users and it can feel like its holding you back a bit. Also you have to use Mac hardware which are amazing machines, they are just overpriced.

I prefer Windows for its GUI and despite its problems, it is very well designed for super users and has very well designed remote desktop features and scalability (although it is a pain to maintain.) Windows works well for connected company systems.

In my opion:
Linux: Servers, databases (no GUI)

macOS: Designers, photo/video editing, IT/programmers and general use as a standalone (not part of a company system).

Windows: IT/programmers, super users, general use but better than macOS at working together in a company setup, but macOS is better at being a personal laptop or PC.

I personally use Linux for our email and web servers. Windows for our company computers (designers use Macs) and I have a Macbook as my own personal computer.

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    Forgot to mention, macOS can work for gaming but; at least in my experience; Windows definitely wins hands down on gaming.
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    @molaram well I changed it just for you...
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    Just move "programmers" under Linux category. I agree with the rest
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    I really appreciate your nuanced 2 cents and my own experiences only differ in details. So, thanks!
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    I started typing out a comment but it wouldn't fit into the character limit for a comment so I posted it as a rant because, apparently, I have a very long opinion

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    @shoop because all of that is only recent development. And it's not there completely either.

    It'll take some more time to get there fully but I agree that Microsoft is on the right path in the right direction.

    I think the leadership of Satya Nadella has made quite an impact on the company. At least they've taken the right path, in my humble opinion.
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    @shoop you don't go for an option that is trying to emulate something that has been there for years
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    @shoop it is not superior. That's why not
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    @shoop its definitely not superior. I don't think it'll ever get there even.

    The only advantage it has is the support of the gaming platform and community, which neither of the other mainstream OSes want to invest in.
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    The one thing I don't get it why people 'hate' on Linux's GUI's.

    If you see KDE Plasma, Gnome and others... they look good and sleek and (except for if you have driver/hardware compatibility issues and such) work well.
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    @Securitea that 'except' in brackets, that's what all of us are talking about. Neither Windows not macOS ( never macOS ) have those kinds of issues. That's why.

    and also, I mention in a different rant ( linked in a previous comment above ) that the linux GUIs are slowly getting there.

    PS : welcome to devRant! have fun ranting!
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    @shine Fair point but the exact same goes for other systems.

    I noticed the mentioning, no worries! But, that said, I've been using Linux for 10+ years both with and without GUI's and while they looked less attractive back in the days (imo), they were very workable (here the except part comes in again which, again, also counts for any other system which has a GUI).

    And thank you! I'll try to get an avatar asap ;P
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    @Securitea agreed. same here - 10+ years with linux.

    ( and I've contributed my share to your avatar just now )
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    @shoop I guess the windows design liking is subjective. I actually don't dislike the windows 10 design that much (KDE Plasma has a quite similar look), I just wouldn't use the system.

    As for the bugs and freezes, I might be one of the lucky ones who still hasn't had a single freeze (system-normal-use-related) since I started using these interfaces. Although I haven't seen many people claiming to have had freezes (I don't have numbers on that on Windows 10 so I won't speculate on that)
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    @shoop I don't know why you would need GUIs for backend development - especially Go. I do some Go myself as well. ( I'm a compile freak, so I compiled Go from source as well. ) And it works very smooth on 7 different kinds of GNU/Linux OSes that I have my machine booted to. I can vouch that Go does not need any GUI to compile Go code. Everything can be run from the terminal.
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    @shoop @Securitea I guess you don't need to know the numbers of the hangs and freezes on Windows, just take a guess, say, 75%. Although that percentage is slowly declining and Windows 10 is a lot more stable than, say, Windows Vista. We all know how Windows Vista came and went. So, did Windows 8.

    However, with regards to GNU/Linux, if you know your way around the linux terminal, these freezes are piece of cake.

    I'm a person that can fill up 12 GB of RAM and 6 GB of swap. And I know which process gobbles up all of my RAM. When my machine starts freezing up or starts showing symptoms of a freeze, I just switch over to a TTY, pkill -KILL <process> and you'll be good. Most of the time, it'll be your browser who'd be the culprit.

    Most of the time, I'll also have a top session running exclusively on a TTY, so I'd just SIGKILL the parent process.

    Try achieving that on a frozen Windows system - even Windows 10. You'll have to wait ages for the Task Manager to even show up.
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    @shine I've got some processes which (rightfully) take up more than 100 gigs of ram so I feel ya :P
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    @shoop It's not just you. Way back, Windows 2000 was okay for development. Nowadays, switching between Win10 and macOS I occasionally forget which system I'm on. On Linux less so, but oh well.
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    @molaram DAFAQ?! :scream: I'd understand if you said you did all of that on Windows 98 or Windows XP; but yes, I guess, Windows 7 was stable enough too. I liked Windows 7 during my time with it as well. I liked it better than Windows 8 / 10 for sure. I don't think Windows 10 will get there anytime soon even though they're on the right path though.

    PS : you do know that Windows 7 doesn't exist anymore right? I mean, as far as Microsoft is concerned. But I don't think you'd need them anyway if you're 'raping' your machine so much and it still won't die. I'm happy for you man.

    However, that's not the case for a lot of people. You can find a lot of people here ranting about losing their work due to BSoDs.

    So, yes, what I'm trying to say or the point I'm trying to make here is that it really is a thing - for a lot of people.
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    @molaram I can't answer that because I don't use Windows. I'm a linux guy.

    but I was talking for a lot of people around here ( on devRant )
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    @shine that's actually how my rant started, https://devrant.com/rants/2449449/...
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    @molaram same here. I actually have a Windows Server that gets raped by ~150 people every day for 16 hours. It actually works very well and at most uses 80gb of ram for 150 sessions and the total CPU generally is around 5-15%. (This is people logged in with remote desktop to 1 server)

    This is the type of thing I dont think linux would handle well. 150 open remote desktop gui sessions, 100 active at a single point, for multiple hours and only reach about 80gb ram with 15% CPU.
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    @ddit linux servers don't need GUI sessions. that's the whole point of linux servers!
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    @shine that's exactly why we would use Windows. Expecting an entire organization to do all their work on CLI with no word, excel, pictures, etc. doesn't work.
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    @ddit wait, do people use Word, Excel, etc on Windows servers? and that too with 100GB of RAM? why? 😱

    In the linux world, you'd use a desktop distribution for those tasks and use servers to host applications that you want available over the internet like websites, web applications, etc.
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