Spent 2 hours arguing Kotlin vs Java with a friend. So damn exhausted right now! F🤬**

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    Who won?
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    @Jarand we both ended up with "Every language have lapses" though deep down from the kotlin perspective he won.
  • 3
    Why do you argue in the first place?
    If you ask me Kotlin win since I think it as super set of Java.
  • 5
    Arguments with Jehovah witnesses is more sensible usage of time than having an argument with Java developer
  • 1
    And then everyone agreed that Rust is the best language
  • 0
    Wait, what, they're different? I thought Java was just renamed Kotlin as it modernised...
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    @MarcoCeccon turtles like you too
  • 2
    Y'all still argue over languages? Noobs
  • 1
    If anyone wants to argue with me that language X is better than Y, I just let them win. Then go do something productive with those hours, like have a nap.
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