
Just built a solid desktop app for MacOS with Flutter that's worthy of shipping. I gotta say I'm pretty stoked about it, even if it isn't nearly as dope as LOIC. Haha chargin muh lazers!
I'll get some screenshots up soon!!
I also wrote a comple CLI interface for Firebase management using Python. Advanced auth abilities, CRUD capability, full json import/export, verification/password resets, you name it. Well, except full Firestore/mobile OTP features but it's still a win. Actually dicked around and made a cool little Firebase chat program in the terminal with the Python interpreter.
Finished up my first apps in React, React-Native and Ember, my 2nd with Electron, and also got my first Firebase hosted site up and running. Solid day!!! Cheers to that. And cheers to all of you amazing bastards!

  • 1
    I haven't heard anyone mention loic since 9th grade.
  • 0
    Yeah, I figured a classic tribute couldn't hurt haha
  • 0
    I did, however, construct additional pylons.
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