Has anyone looked at the IHME curvefit project?


It’s the statical data model used by the whitehouse to make decisions regarding covid-19. Not a data analyst or python dev but this repo seems super sparse and only two people are doing most of the commits. I would think they would have more contributors.

Any data peeps want to weigh in?

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    If you reply to this i can take a look when i get home
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    @yellow-dog Are you there yet?
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    Right now I am basing all my judgement on their shitty commit msgs.

    My commit msgs are shit too but I expect better than ‘commenting out bad example’ from someone who has a phD.
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    @yellow-dog are you at home yet?
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    @katbreitin good news that new season update is gonna fix that issue!
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    The code is fucking awful, i would fail them on spot. I expect the bare minimum from college students but this is somehow even worse.

    The maths part seems alright, their smoothing algo could use more than one passthroughs but other than that its okay.
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    @melezorus34 i was delivering supplies (food and detergent) to a remote settlement (my grandma), had to take the long route because of raiders (cops, none of the mods on my car are registered)
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    Do they have some kind of quality issue?
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    Really because this data model is being used to shut down the US.

    This is what the Trump and the US pandemic team is using to make decisions.

    Also the rest of dumb americans are posting this data model for their states or areas all over social media.

    No one questions where this shit comes from. Why are real data scientists working on this project?
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    @katbreitin oh, i didnt really register the word "white house", i thought this was your friends thesis work or something lmao
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    Nope this is the statical model Trump and almost every US state including my own.

    It did not look that sophisticated in terms of data modeling but I wasn’t sure if the contributors were just the devs assigned to commiting code or what not.

    Super surprised no US news outlet has picked this part.
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    I was thinking the same thing.
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