
After spending weeks fucking around with Pharo Smalltalk building different web services....I don't want to go back to using other languages anymore.

fuck me....I got hit by Pharo really hard.

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    @molaram Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!
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    @molaram in all seriousness though, them old languages had tons and tons of good stuff in them. It's worth looking at them and their design if you want to learn more.

    Fancy schmancy systems programming language which takes advantage of algebraic type systems and/or GC? Move over, Rust and Go, OCaml was here first.

    Do you like objectifying everything? Well then maybe Smalltalk is for you!

    Hate memory management and love that your language does it for you? Say thanks to Lisp and ML, pioneered a lot of GC techniques.

    Do you write distributed systems software in Celery/Akka etc.? Love scaling systems with concurrency? Any sufficiently complicated concurrent program in another language contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Erlang.

    Every time you write something with an expressive type system, put in small prayer to ML for bridging abstract mathematics and programming in such a simple way.

    I could go on and on but you get the point.
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    @molaram and you can only do that because of said languages from last century. I'm not advocating that you actually use this stuff in practice, but it really helps knowing where all it came from.

    Also I find myself drawing from these old languages all the time. And when a new language releases some fancy new feature, there's a good chance it'll be something from these older ones (eg. had no trouble *grok*-ing Java lambdas immediately when they were introduced because I'd done Haskell before, but many folks I know, especially the hardcore OOP heads, took a while. Promises/async/reactive programming/actor model etc.? Eh old hat, they've been around for really long.)

    Helps me anyway.
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    @molaram just checking, you do know that the C programming language is 48 years old right? And that C++ is 35 years old?

    And you are giving yourself way too much credit on the "when I can do it in two beautiful lines of code in a language that's not from last century" there.

    For what is worth, I do get paid to fuck around with as much technology as I can to see if it makes it better for my institution :D
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    @molaram funny thing about smalltalk is that it's 40 years old, but it's about 40 years ahead of most modern languages.
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    @Midnight-shcode exactly! Its hurting me man, it has already replaced a lot of my other more esoteric languages. The live interactive ide blows everything else I've used out of the water. I thought a live REPL in Emacs for Clojure or Common Lisp was insane already, but Pharo took it to another level.
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    I can't take smalltalk seriously due to its name
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    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- that's fine, Smalltalk can be considered the name of the implementation, much like Clojure is the name of a Lisp like language or Scheme is one.

    I don't like Smalltalk really, makes it hard to google shit for it 🤣🤣 and then they released Squeak which was another implementation and that was worse.

    Currently the most famous one is Pharo. I think it sounds cool and it has a nice theme and logo.
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    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- i can't take you seriously due to your reason why you can't take smalltalk seriously
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