fuck it im making a startup

  • 24
    unwise last words
  • 25
    @melezorus34 we gonna host extremely specific fetish porn, that cant go wrong
  • 10
    @rutee07 you can fund it by sending videos of you with beeswax on your butthole while you do traditional himalayan throat singing to contact@normalpornfornormalpeople.com
  • 1
    Hmu if you're in need of a tester 👀
  • 1
    and your base tech stack will be on php
  • 0
    @AleCx04 i mean the ceo doesnt write code so i may as well be
  • 2

    That URL is taken since 2013, and best of all, that website exists. It says on the homepage : "A Website Dedicated to the Eradication of Abnormal Sexuality".

    I'm not sure if I should be amused or worried.
  • 1
    @pipe look it up, its a creepypasta
  • 1
    @yellow-dog I'm currently watching their videos and, to be honest I'm just laughing my ass off. I understand how it is considered a creepypasta, but BEN DROWNED crept me far more. This just seems like the last year project of some emo art student.
  • 0
    @pipe yeah its not really scary, just weird, its meant to be stumbled upon randomly
  • 1
    @yellow-dog How do you randomly stumble upon "NormalPornForNormalPeople" 🤣 ?
  • 2
    @pipe well assuming you are a normal person and you search for porn tailored to your normal tastes...
  • 2
    @yellow-dog Since I'm very normal, that explains my boner right now!
  • 0
    @pipe literally stumbleUpon
  • 0
    @jeeper Shiiit, I remember using it when I was 14 and still discovering Linux !
    Does it still exist ?
  • 0
    @pipe yes, Linux does still exist
  • 1
    @Lensflare You got me on that one.
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