Ubuntu vs. Arch thingie stuff...

  • 10
    The ancient legend says the second one is built for sysadmins who bore all day and need to find some challenge while everything is working cool.
  • 5
    Also, ironically, arch Linux is really easy to dump onto a raspberry pi...
  • 0
    @nmunro heh... heheh....
  • 8
    I use both of them, I don't see things like this.
    I run Ubuntu at work.
    I run Arch on my personal laptop.
    Arch Linux is about learning and understanding how things are put together.
  • 3
    @qurpor yes. It's not that hard. The picture is exaggerated.
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    For me as Windows user the whole Linux community sounds like the right side. 😝
  • 5
    @Yeah69 Yes, I felt like being on that right side when I tried Linux on the desktop just after Vista's release.

    However, things feel different when you use it as a dev tool on headless machines. It's probably due to different mindsets.

    On a server (or whatever other headless application), it's kind of ok to spend time googling and testing because you're working on a project. On a desktop however, having to google for scripts, terminal commands and config settings just gets in the way of getting real work done.
  • 4
    Arch is not that hard. If you have a way to read the installation guide while you do it, setting Arch up is fast.

    First time I installed Arch it took 15 minutes.
  • 1
    There is a distro "Antergos", which does all the installing for you, but gives you the benefits of arch. I can only recommend it (Running on my personal laptop for a year now)!
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    @Ruby i tried it. After install... it was giving errors. Wish it worked. I am better with mint now.
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    @Ruby you also have Manjaro.
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