

A colleague of mine has made the right and brave decision to quit. For her it's absolutely the right decision but I hate how the company was OK and did nothing to keep her. I'd like to give her something small when she leaves. I was thinking about a book. Does anyone have any suggestions that might be a nice going-away and good-luck present for a valued colleague?

Is there a book or something similar in size that they really cherish and wish they had had sooner?

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    If there is one book i always come back to its Think, fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman

    Its not a novel, but it is an easy read. It can be misinterpreted as a gift by the giftee though so be careful.

    But it is a darn good book that at least gave me a lot of pleasure reading. I see people around me in a different light after that book...

    Best of luck!
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    A tech book, but at a higher level: Pragmatic Programmer. Careful though, it may look like you would be saying "here's so you can be a better programmer, you really need it".
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    @SavageBliss Currently starting Kahneman again. Got interrupted twice before. He won a Nobel price in economics, by the way.
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    If she likes mindblowing paradigm shifting books I found "SuperIntelligence" by Nick bostrom to be a fascinating/inspiring/ground-breaking work of uptmost relevance for today's state of AI affairs.

    Also second the recommendation for pragmatic programmer.
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    Depends on her speciality but as a backend developer I really enjoyed "the Phoenix project". Written like a novel but full of information on how to do IT and delivery right. And going by your rants, it might be an interesting idea to buy copies for all of upper management as well... ;)
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    A t shirt from the swag store
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    Maybe get her the "clean code" book from uncle bob or some dev stickers :D
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