I'm graduating on Computer Engineering and I'm JavaScript. It still bugs me that I understand the language but then I can't apply the knowledge on code :/

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    start tinkering and get stuff done. set up a goal for yourself, try to write your own mini framework for an spa. you need to face the problems so that you can understand why are certain things done the way they are done. data binding is case in point, or mvc. when you try to make an spa from scratch you will see why you need different layers in your app. once you identify a problem you can research on how to implement it. an easy one is the pub-sub pattern.
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    @cantleave I'm actually to understand JavaScript more through Khan Academy, and I understand the functionalitty and all. The problem in this particular case is that the projecto is at the same time similar and different to an exercise we did on the.class. It's frustrating they gave US code done, se just had to had some parts, the mostra important parts are the ones I should but don't understand :/
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    It's exactly like math and word problems. You can spend 12 years studying the intricacies of it, but if you never have to chance to interface your knowledge with real-world applications, it won't do you much good. Just find a project, and work toward it. Soon enough, you'll find small patterns you can use to solve similar problems, and then you'll be able to expand your pattern repertoire to solve more complex projects. You'll get there. Most of all, have fun!
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