
Permanent work from home/remote work. Thoughts?

  • 1
    more time for sports and friends?
    And you can explore the world while working.

  • 5
    I would hate it

    I may never understand why people prefer 100% remote work
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    @Jilano rebirth of WeWork? Maybe Masayoshi saw this coming...

    Big companies don't need their own buildings but some teams do need to with together or ppl can't work at home.. Especially in summer.... Or they just need to interact with other ppl
  • 3
    I'd sink into depression within a month. The only reason I survived so far is because I only work part time and thus only have to get my shit in order a few days a week
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    @Frederick why? Ppl or free food?
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    For me, technically I could always wfh but I go to the office if weather is nice or it's too hot. Nice food or cheaper AC... + exercise
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    @Frederick h i r e m e
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    @Frederick if everyone is a dev, how do you get clients?
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    @Frederick ooh that's nice, usually it's too many incompetent devs building hi maintenance code...
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    I can do it but I'll likely go to office once a week just to see people.
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