
Okay, so I was wondering if there are any dutch people here who work with C#. I'm in my last year and need to do one final internship but I'm having trouble finding one since I don't care much about web dev. I prefer developing apps and games which is why I went for a course in app dev but the only thing we've been doing is developing shitty websites and I've lost interest in it.

In my last internship I was working on a serious game which recruiters used for the pre selection of people who applied for a job. That was written in C# in unity and was definitely interesting to say the least.

So my question is if any of you have any ideas on where to take my last internship?

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    Hoi fellow Dutchy!
    Too bad you don't want to do web development.
    We have an open application for a c# web developer (fulltime job, but you may also ask to start part-time first as we are desperate)

    As a C# web developer you get to work on services which communicate between databases and Autodesk applications.
    We are flexible and listen to each other's ideas. I got a lot of freedom in implementing a new technique as well.

    Not game applications though. If you get desperate in the last few days, give me a heads up.
    Maybe I can help you then.

    Heel veel geluk met zoeken maat!
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    @BikerMouse The main reasoning behind not doing web development is mainly because of the same old same old, working with php and js to create a webshop or a blog isn't exactly my thing, now what you say about the communication between databases and autodesk or any other application for that matter is something different and something of which I can definatly learn from.

    All I'm actually looking for is something where I can broaden my knowledge but since most web dev companies create or maintain webshop/blog style sites they don't really peak my interest.

    Waar zitten jullie?
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    De webshops hebben we uitbesteed.
    Je taken zijn ook gebaseerd op C# en ASP.NET, misschien ook een leuke afwisseling met PHP ;)

    Hier is een link naar de vacature: https://cadac.com/nedgraphics/...

    Trek je niet te veel aan van de Medior, hij staat al een poos open.

    Als je echt interesse hebt, laat het me dan even weten, dan introduceer ik je bij ons
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    @sanse1992 we zitten in Vianen trouwens
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    u kunt viel IT bedrijven in Eindhoven vinden. Excuse my Dutch🐯
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    Just saying !question means "not question". The ! Functions as a not operator.

    Just saying, good luck on your job search :)
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    Nice try @OttkO !
    Dutch isn't easy... one comment: it's "veel" instead of "viel" πŸ˜‰
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    @BikerMouse wat zijn jullie werktijden eigenlijk?
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    @sanse1992 we starten tussen 7 - 9.30 en dan 8u werken en eventueel pauze.
    Dus afhankelijk hoe laat je begint kan je al om 16u naar huis
    Pauze is niet verplicht maar de meeste van ons staan altijd aan de voetbaltafel dan 😁

    Zelf ben ik een voorstander om 7u al te beginnen
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    @BikerMouse begrijpelijk maar ik zit natuurlijk met vervoer ;) woon zelf in de omgeving van Rotterdam (half uurtje er vandaan) en ben afhankelijk van OV. Naja interesse is er zeker wel.
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    @sanse1992 ben zelf ook Rotterdammert 😁

    'S winters ga ik ook met het OV, dat is wel kut idd. Vanaf CS is het 1.5u tot 2u reizen. Maar 8u aanwezig zijn is wel te doen.

    Het is inderdaad een afweging die je zou moeten maken.
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    Sry for sounding like an ass, but could you please speak English.πŸ˜–πŸ˜– I was really interested in this post and the answers, but I understand nothing of what you wroteπŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯
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    @vringar No problem ;) in short what's been discussed are my preferances, working hours, transport etc.
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    Sorry @vringar, I will summarize it for you.

    For so far you could understand, Sanse is looking for an internship in the Netherlands but not as a PHP web developer for a lousy webshop.

    So I offered him a possible opportunity to work as a web developer for an Autodesk partner. We also create web services to communicate between Autodesk products and databases.

    The last replies were about the transport possibilities and commute times (is that correct english?)
    With public transportation it is about 2hours ride.
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    @BikerMouse thank you very much. I think it is super cool that you guys found each other here.
    And thanks again for taking the time to write the summary
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    Now this is a nice way of recruiting. Another Dutchy here and I hate how aggressive recruiters are in the NL
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    @michaelm got to agree with you, I even got called via the receptionist 😱
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    Hmmz i have a nice recruiter rant as well. Let me post that. :)
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    @BikerMouse any chance I could drop by next Wednesday afternoon?
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    @sanse1992 I will ask. We are formal with appointments.

    I will ask if my supervisor can make time for a phone call with you before next Wednesday so you can make an appointment.

    Which study do you follow and where?
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    @BikerMouse MBO niveau 4 application developer op het id-college in gouda maar heb al wel enige kennis van C# inc een mta certificaat ervan
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    @sanse1992 I asked my supervisor what we can do for you. He said you are too lightweight for the application.

    He asked, though, what you are looking for, what's the assignment?
    No guarantees but he is willing to look into it.
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    We pretty much just need to build some features. Onderhoud is het onderwerp
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