Am I the only programmer that doesn't drink coffee?

  • 4
    I don't drink coffee either! I never liked it.
  • 6
    Mee too! I replace wine with it. xD
  • 4
    I compensate it with Monster :)
  • 5
    I know a lot of programmers who never or seldom drinks coffee.
  • 2
    Mountain Dew and monsters FTW
  • 4
    I was drinking too much coffee every day. Transitioned to green tea over a few days, then gave up caffeine. Feels great. I was way too into it and would get headaches if I didn't drink it.
  • 5
    Can't stand the stuff. Water or juice for me
  • 4
    Oh this is the thread for me!! I've never touched coffee or tea and I'm surrounded by devs that think I'm the antichrist. Water and some determination is usually all I need :) (and a nice lunch!!)
  • 1
    @uuppi best with milk
  • 1
    Earl Grey for me please :)
  • 3
    Yeah you are the only one. Also known as the chosen one.

  • 11
    I drink my own tears. I produce enough while im debugging.
  • 1
    Tea always
  • 1
    The British Empire was built on a cup of tea.
  • 2
    I don't mind coffee, but I was always more of a tea drinker. That said, I'm caffeine free for the past couple years and it's a good way to be. I count myself lucky that I'm not addicted like my colleagues!
  • 1
    I drink one cup in the morning at home. The coffee at work tastes like swill. So if I need an energy boost I use black tea I keep in a tin at my desk.
  • 1
    from coffee import caffeine
  • 1
    NameError: caffeine is undefined
  • 0
    I drink coke,, 😜
  • 1
    same here I don't take coffee because you are breaking the word of wisdom
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