
I am starting a web development company, my biggest fear is how can i find clients.
Does any of you guys has experience or any ideas of what i can do right or wrong?

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    I started my own company, a major part of which is Web development a few months back.
    In my case I have 2 more co-founders, 1 designer and 1 business guy which really helps. So my first suggestion is don't do it alone.

    Secondly, if you are starting something have the guts/resources to survive a few months (if not longer) without anything for urself.

    The clients, while depend on the place where you live but I have found that attending events/meetups is a sure fire way of getting work. Then there are obvious online platforms like 99designs, elance etc.

    Don't shy out of doing small things as pro bono if you want long term relationships with someone.

    Most importantly, under sell and overachieve. The opposite hurts your reputation big time!

    Nothing else, comes to mind right now.
    Hope I helped!
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    @SuperNOVA thank you very much , i appreciate it !
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    @adoniskrasniqi good luck... you can contribute to open sources projects, blog ... 👍👍
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    I agree with the probono recommendations. Here's a tip, a lot of non profits, etc have some pretty resourceful people working on their trust. If you do something probono for the trust, it helps you get your name out and network!
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