Hello, would you like to hear a TCP joke?

Yes, I'd like to hear a TCP joke.

OK, I'll tell you a TCP joke.

OK, I'll hear a TCP joke.

Are you ready to hear a TCP joke?

Yes, I am ready to hear a TCP joke.

OK, I'm about to send the TCP joke. It will last 10 seconds, it has two characters, it does not have a setting, it ends with a punchline.

OK, I'm ready to hear the TCP joke that will last 10 seconds, has two characters, does not have a setting and will end with a punchline.

I'm sorry, your connection has timed out... ...Hello, would you like to hear a TCP joke?

  • 67
    I could tell you a udp joke but you might not get it
  • 4
    @theZorgEffect And you would never know either way 😊
  • 14
    GET /rants/266729 HTTP/1.1

    Host: www.devrant.com

    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, whatever the fuck that is, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/whyJustWhy

    Accept: text/joke,words/laugh,dialogue/humour+irony,humor/anti

    Accepted-Encoding: gzip,deflated expectations

    Accept-Charset: utf-8 or GTFO

    Keep-Alive: 15 GetToThePunchline

    Cache-Control: no-cache, who rewatches standup wtf
  • 1
  • 7
    HTTP/1.x 400 Bad Joke

    Server: Ctrl+V

    Content-Encoding: gzip

    Content-Type: attempt/humor; charset=ISO-1502352 rev2; why. why.

    Date: Wed, 02, 2016 11:14:00 GMT

    Last-Modified: Thur, 01, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT

    Transfer-Encoding: PoorDelivery
  • 3
    but obligatory TCP joke > UDP joke
  • 8
    Is it sad that I actually found it funny? :p
  • 2
    @SuperNOVA not in the slightest. It's one of the more clever, albeit overplayed IT jokes
  • 4
    As a network programmer. This left me with a stupid wide smile.
  • 1
    I like this joke, all of it, the whole package.
  • 1
    @Kalex @KKDev
    Read the comments too!
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