
There are a lot of things that could rank up as the worst about being a dev, such as recurring meetings, documentation, shitty requirements, pm gnats, Monday, etc...but something that truly ruins it all is NO INTERNET CONNECTION.

  • 1
    Yes, but that little dinosaur game makes up for it a little. Haha
  • 2
    Tethering from my phone was broken turning my coding laptop into a paper weight. :/
  • 1
    While the rest of the office is singing Kumbaya because there's no Internet so they can't really work, I'm freaking out because there are things I wanted to do.
  • 0
    This has been the story of my life living in alaska. GCI can eat a dick. On a great day I'm pulling 10Mbps, most days aren't great though.
  • 0
    @Jase before i had fast internet, most of my time was spent customising my DE. Now it's mostly Reddit, YouTube, reading documentation for something i wont even remember a week later and everything in between.
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