
Me: Hmm... My Android phone has been acting strange lately, cell signal keeps dropping... Maybe I picked up a virus... let's flash the latest update.

Phone: Updating Done

Me: Hm... signal is still bad... maybe it's hardware... *Angry*

Phone: By the way you lost root

Me: @#$%$&&$%^#$!#$@$%$#%^ OK LETS SEE, SUPERSU, REINSTALL THE BINARIES... YES!!!

Phone: Reinstalling... Restarting...

Me: it's not loading.... why? NO! I bricked it..... NO NO NO NO.....

*1 hour of flailing...*

Hey Recovery still works! OK, let's try to reflashing the OS

Phone: Flashing... Restarting...

Me: Please, please... let this work.... it's not starting............. wait. IT LOADED!!!! WOOT!!!! AWESOME...

Phone: still no root...

Me: Eh...

And there went my most of my evening which I was supposed to spend preparing for an interview tomorrow....

  • 4
    I've spent many nights restoring lol. First android phone I rooted was the HTC Droid eris because I wanted live wallpaper and it didn't have it at the time lol 😁
  • 0
    @Paramite actually seems on marshmallow, dev mode has a ROOT option which seems good enough I guess...

    Kinda of don't want to go thru trouble of taking a NAND dump. My data partition is like 15gb...
  • 0
    How did the interview go? 😅
  • 0
    @sragha45 TBD, though now I'm in OK just wing it mode
  • 1
    @sragha45 apparently it's a switcharoo...

    The requirements listed on the job description apparently are the technologies they want to migrate from in favor of a webapp... Whereas I kinda wanted to go the opposite direction...
  • 0
    @allanx2000 the ol r/switcheroo... Lol
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