
"Oh, documentation? We don't write documentation. Our tests are our documentation."

Sure - I guess your developers are computers, too.

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    At least tests are there so you know if the methods are working as they should.. what should you do if all you have is functional documents and no details on how they are implemented. You go about writing a class and find out 3 weeks later that the five methods you wrote in that class actually already exist scattered around in classes having drastic naming distinctions.
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    @TheCommoner282 my same thoughts. Couldn't agree more.
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    @TheCommoner282 yeah I agree completely. This came about when there was some weird logic happening within the space of a few lines. I asked why the code seemingly repeated itself and the response was "oh, it gets rid of onboarding screens...". At a certain point, code comments should be considered
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    @mgarg we don't live in a world where you can only have docs OR tests ;) por que no los dos.
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    @j2k4 agreed! Let's just say that crappy methodology used by our predecessors is coming to bite us in our bottoms.
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