

So I just came back from an interview and the job turned out to be another desktop app to web migration...

I do do web development but still prefer C#, other compiled languages with strict syntax checking, and don't run in a web browser.

But it seems everything is going to JS these days and the web....

Should I just go all in on web dev and I guess I can use Cordova or React Native if I want a desktop app?

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    Typescript or elm among others could probably satisfy your desire for strongly typed goodness. As always it's the rest of the team you have to look out for...
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    If you're comfortable with C#, typescript as a language will help you feel a little bit more comfortable, but nothing will prepare you for the JavaScript Ecosystem of madness. Full disclosure, I've only done University C# and have been doing full-stack JavaScript for the majority of my professional career.
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    React Native is for native mobile apps. Try electron.atom.io for desktop apps written in JS.
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    @tytho Well I do some MEAN so yea I've seen the insane amount of libraries. And then I think there's also bower/CSS stuff, haven't really used that though.

    Is there like a set of core/commonly used/must know libraries?
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    @allanx2000 for front end, webpack and babel are good ones to know, but they have some pretty complex setup. Take a look at create-react-app. It configured webpack and babel for you. Even though it's made for react, you can just strip out the react part and leverage the react-scripts part of it. I use create-react-app on most of my front end projects now because it takes care of the configuration for my build process.
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