
When everyone ask you to make them a website just because you are programmer... (when you have 0 webdev experience)

  • 3
    Last time in my local organization:

    - Can you use that "Java"?
    - A little bit, I've used it for one university project.
    - GREAT! Can you make us a homepage then?
  • 1
    Maybe say yes if an interesting opportunity that has potential presents itself. You can get experience and possibly a nice payday. It has happened.
  • 0
    @Jumpshot44 I took it once for school festival, only to get scolded that my HTML5 Drupal theme doesn't work in their IE5 :(
  • 0
    @Jumpshot44 big leaps into the unknown are rewarding!
  • 2
    Still better than...
    You are a programmer? Can you fix my computer... I get no display on my monitor..
  • 0
    It happened to me all the time while studying
  • 0
    Well that's pretty much as if you are a webdev and get asked to make Websites for free all the time.
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