
Just finished my internship.

I entered knowing nothing and spent the entire year on solo projects.

My company does not use any frameworks because "they don't want to run code on a server that they didn't write", they use waterfall, only use version control on half the projects, use notepad++, never once even glanced at my code to check I know what I'm doing - even when i asked.

Also have never heard of a code review, have absolutely no QA in place other than the devs making it and quickly testing it visually, no requirements gathering - just pictures and have never heard of tdd.

Recently was given a project with no designs, no specs other than a verbal half thought out explanation and was dumped with random deadlines like "this needs to be demoed tomorrow night" with no idea about the project progression or what it looks like. Apparently it's all my fault that it failed.

I am very grateful to them for teaching me so much and giving me opportunities to teach myself on nice projects but come on.

What boggles my mind is that the company is 6 years old and has big, big clients. I don't understand how. I once tested a project about to go out the next day that had been "tested" and found pages of bugs. They would have lost the contract for sure...

  • 3
    I'm surprised companies like this survive. Poor clients.
  • 1
    It makes me feel better that I am not alone.
  • 0
    Where do you live bro ?! Wow that's awful
  • 3
    @freshlyfe I dont want to give too many details on the company but it's based in Surrey.

    The part that really confuses me is not wanting to use any frameworks or third part libraries just because my boss hasn't written them or scouted every line.
  • 1
    This is usually either dumb luck or pure corruption.

    One of the customers is probably a shareholder or somewhat getting part of the profits.

    Happens all the time.

    A big manager in a big company finds out there is a need for something to supply, and creates the company to supply and milk it.

    That is why they probably don't care about anything except demo-ing to customers, because the longer it happens, the more they milk it.

    So don't be surprised how companies like this survive.

    I never understood either but found out myself :)
  • 0
    Sounds like heaven to me. Imo VCS is absolutely useless if the folks in a team don't use it properly. One example: we use svn for all projects but without branches. This means dev and live code is mixed in the repository. I am insisting in using branches and moving to git since I am in this company as you can't properly track or revert states with this. Also we don't use any project management method at all except for one customer where we have some kind of crippled scrum in use (2 week sprints with regular meetings and a backlog) for most other projects there is no backlog or anything, there's just a list of features that has to be implemented. Code analysis? Nope. At best you get some feedback from team members but usually it's me who complains about the code. I am actually pretty amazed that our front-end devs are using gulptasks to simplify their work.
  • 1
    Trust me, you are not alone bro.
  • 0
    I'd say that using other 3rd lib is probably way better after hearing about all the other shit they are managing to pull off. The 3rd lib code is probably way better coded and tested then what they can achieve.
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