
Want devRant to offer RSS feed? ++ this!

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    You mean a giant global timeline?
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    How would they benefit anyone?
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    @gnaaah Pretty much, yes. The RSS's URL might also contain a GET parameter indicating the minimum number of ++'s a rant should have received before being included in the output. That would be the perfect adjustable daily dose of awesomeness right in your RSS reader.
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    @drRoss Not everyone wants to open 200 apps and websites each day to stay up-to-date, RSS was invented for just that, do your research please. Giants like Twitter and Facebook killed RSS pretty much immediately after offering it when they recognized that they couldn't profit from ads and loose tracking abilities that way. Not the case with devRant so... why not?
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    @0x3d I think they got something like that on their site, so having that as RSS as well would be a nice addition
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    I think they have an API :)
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    @0x3d Do my research? Fuck off, who are you?!?!

    I don't understand why you'd want an RSS feed for DevRant because things get posted here all the time, you'd constantly be inundated. RSS isn't meant for that.
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    @drRoss I'm staying with my "do your research" because, against your suggestion, RSS is especially well suited for this kind of sites with a lot of updates and information of merely entertaining value - you don't HAVE to read it all, you can just mark them all ass read for example. RSS is just a standard to aggregate loose information from different sources in a central spot and if both the content producer and the user manage that well (see my reply to gnaaah about the GET parameter) you could easily slip in a smile or two into your daily news-gathering routine or whatever you use your RSS for.
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    @drRoss Also I'm just a 46 arguing with a 2038 so feel free to ignore my well-meant rant. In other news: I meant "as", not "ass" ;)
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