USA you collectively almost have one brain cell.

  • 3
    Trump incummin'
  • 5
    @crashbandicoot good thing we live in the Netherlands 😜
  • 2
    @BikerMouse sure thing! Haha
  • 6
    If trump win I'm pretty sure the whole planet will destabilise.
  • 4
    The stock exchanges are starting already
  • 3
    And I thought that in Italy we are messed up. Obviously in USA they are MUCH more screwed. Poor people...
  • 2
  • 6
    So it's official... apocalypse has started
  • 20
    I've never been prouder to not be an American
  • 5
    So who's attempting at The annual purge Night 2017?
  • 4
    Yeah well either way we were screwed, we either got a woman that could get hacked again with more security clearance then she had last time or a arrogant asshole that makes millions that might pull the us economy out the shiter if he doesn't piss off a country with nukes. personally I'm a just rip the bandade off kind of guy, trump is either going to fix the US or get us all killed in our sleep.
  • 6
    Disestablishmentarianism wins again. Never used that word before.
  • 1
    @Letmecode ehh most of us probably voted for him just to give one of yall Rosie o donald and AL Sharpton lol
  • 2
    @crashbandicoot At least they have one. Back in Brazil this is too much cells.
  • 1
    @MaxMayo you must be German 😆😆
  • 1
    @Letmecode there was 4 or 5 people that said they were going to leave the country if Trump won. those were 2 of them, all of them weren't worth a damn
  • 3
    I voted for his daughter
  • 3
  • 2
    @Europeans in comments, TTIP is still an open trask for the parlament and CTIP is kind of a bypass if TTIP will not happen...
  • 4
    I'm an American from the liberal northeast and I can say I am horrified this happened. Most of my friends and family are as well. 😔
  • 1
    @donkeyScript Sorry for your loss, blame canada!
  • 1
    @crashbandicoot I wouldn't blame Canada for building a wall to keep Americans out.
  • 1
    @donkeyScript just quoting south park. No worries.
  • 1
    @crashbandicoot me too. This season has been way too real.
  • 2
    Lol all you morons hating on America and our decisions while you don't live here.....
  • 1
    270 - 1 brain cells

    U.K.: Brexit! Silliest thing ever!
    U.S.A.: Hold my beer
  • 0
    @devrant should have a section for U.S. A rants.
  • 0
    @Letmecode lol you think you aren't fed propaganda 24/7, that's cute. The populus is waking up to the nonsense hence why the presidency went to someone that wasn't a politician. And try not to be so full of yourselves like we need your excuses for a military. Honestly if WW3 happened EU would surrender pretty much immediately or be destroyed so easily it'd be sad...
  • 0
    @Letmecode say what you want but full scale wars has always stabilized the economy, but yes we are full republican now so a war is going to happen just like every other time in US history that this has happened. maybe I'm more in tune with what's happening cause I don't watch TV alot and am too busy to get on Facebook or Twitter.
  • 2
    @divil at least our government doesn't decide when people live or die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    @divil quick question, nothing to really do with this conversation but what do yall do if somebody breaks into your house and tries to kill you since I think guns are banned right?
  • 2
    @jckimble cricket bat
  • 0
    @donkeyScript lmao didn't think of that, that's pretty much like hitting someone with a 4x4 over here.

    @divil might not happen alot but I'm not dumb enough to believe it doesn't happen over there. we can have guns and I live in the south and we don't have gun problems so I always wondered why guns were banned over there
  • 0
    @divil if the government is providing healthcare/health insurance then they have the ability to deny care that they deem is not beneficial to society... Ie. Life support to those with injuries that they could possibly not recover from
  • 1
    @tekmeister in the same way that would happen here with insurances based on the healthcare assessment. If you want a more literal example think Medicare/Medicaid as that is government run.
  • 0
    @tekmeister I say this as someone who works for a major health insurance in their Medicare division.
  • 0
    @donkeyScript oh yeah I know what the crap that goes on with Medicare and now Obamacare... Doctors and patients are getting screwed because of it.. there was a huge ambulance service for mine and the few counties surrounding me that had to shut down because he was ~1M in the hole waiting to get paid by the feds and the ACA. It's a mess...
  • 0
    @donkeyScript @tekmeister I was an insurance agent for a little while with a company that specialized in retirees, the only good thing in Obama care was that you could be on your deathbed and get health insurance. other than that it is pure crap. but the insurance policy that covers you and who owns it, is who controls life and death. so I'd the government owns your policy they so say if you live or die
  • 0
    @divil yes that is the idea, it also protects you from criminals. I know criminals have guns over there cause you can get anything on the black market
  • 1
    @jckimble what I don't understand is what makes people think trump wouldn't get hacked to? He obviously ain't to bright :)
  • 1
    @topfs yeah well if you're expecting an argument from me on that you need to try something else. the only reasons I voted for him is that he has more to lose if he screws up than anybody so he's going to watch his ass, and the fact that he's a successful businessman that has went from millionaire to dead broke to richer than he was at the beginning. to be a successful businessman you have to know when you need someone to handle shit you don't understand, so if he handles this right the world could be in a lot better situation than it is now. on the other hand you had hillary that was going to keep things going that Obama started along with trying to get out of bills shadow.
  • 0
    @jckimble well not really trying to argue, genuinely didn't understand what makes people believe trump won't get hacked? Seems like a non argument.

    And his track record as a businessman ain't that awesome, with him having illegal labour and not paying people. If he does that as a president I doubt itll be good.

    I'm not an amurican so don't care too much, it's your grave
  • 0
    @topfs well anybody can get hacked if you're targeted, trump is just less likely than hillary since trump is going to let people do their jobs.

    yeah well that's where he's either going to fix it or get us killed in our sleep part comes in. basically along as he doesn't piss off north Korea he can't really hurt anything long term that Obama hasn't already screwed up

    yeah true, rather a quick death over starving to death over another 8 years of Democrats
  • 0
    @jckimble honestly that's probably the worst argument I've heard in a long while... You should really think long and hard on that one.
  • 0
    @topfs lol yeah well my main argument is that he has more to lose than any president before him add the fact that he's an arrogant narcissistic asshole means he's going to want his brand to be recognized as a good thing when he dies so he's going to do everything he can to make things better
  • 1
    Seemed like Americans had to pick between a dumb gorilla and a mix of Satan and the Terminator. Thank you for not starting a war with Russia, America.
  • 1
    @KiteZilla sounds about right but I describe it alot more offensive in person
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