
I hate thermodynamics. This tiny issue always make my flimsy free energy device prototypes fail.

  • 0
    Yeah, same here. WhenI was like 10 years old, I built a buck converter and thought I was getting free energy.
  • 1
    So Feinman was wrong? We are not surrounded by massive amounts of energy? "free" doesn't work, we know that.
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    @Bybit260 when I was like six years old I found the tv current transformer and I didn’t understand how when I connect a battery to it the small lightning would be formed. I thought that I could use that battery and a chain of that tiny transformers to supply the whole world with energy
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    @uyouthe Heh, I showed my sister in law what inductors could do by shocking her. Good times!
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    If you’re looking for exploits, they exist, they just get patched and everything rolled back. So.
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    @Root So you're saying, that I'd I was to find one, I'd get shot and my family and friends brainwashed to think I've never existed and then it's Ragnarok?
  • 1
    @Ranchu Sometimes "they" pay people off.
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