Don't ever ever forget to push before leaving office.
I repeat : Don't ever ever forget to push!
Sends app to client.
At home and decides to check if the changes actually worked just to realize it crashes because i forgot to comment out my dummy test data.

*On a bus back to the office at midnight*

  • 3
    That's a disaster, I once didn't push half a weeks worth of work. Came in to the office on Thursday and found it had been robbed including my imac. Now i always push, even if i don't need too; just in case.
  • 1
    Helps if you check it after too :) Can save you a trip
  • 4
    You benefit greatly from having CI pipelines like Jenkins for this. Then you can setup to get emails and what not when it breaks 👍🏻
  • 3
    VPN Bud
  • 1
    Always push to your feature branch.
    Never merge to master on Friday afternoon; I will haunt your dreams.
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