
So after being in this role for 4 years we have finally got to the point where there are 0 outstanding bugs/issues with our software.

  • 6
    What kind of software is that? I guess no new features were added in past 4 years?..
  • 3
    Heating and energy management, i inherited a system with 500+ issues, after a week of pen testing i found 200+ security issues too (most SQL injection).

    In the end, we just decided to re-code the whole system. Because of this a lot of new features were introduced.
  • 7
    Let someone stupid try the app. You'll have more work for at least 6 weeks.

    Good luck keeping your thing working, after 4 years of work, you must be so happy
  • 2
    Trust me, the testers we have are let's say "not the sharpest tool in the box".

    The sort of tickets that have been raised over the last month or two have been small settings/issues.

    I'm finally glad it's over, the previous code was awful, in some places there were seven iframes within each another
  • 2
    Congratulations! That is a rare thing I believe.
  • 4
    How many of those bugs have been termed as feature? 😜
    Congratulations by the way. That's a rare feat.
  • 3
    Only 8 😅
  • 0
  • 2
    0 bugs?
    I would be worried 😂
  • 0
    Time to add a new feature ;-)
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