Anyone else not trust Microsoft with wsl?!

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    “embrace extend extinguish” just like their shitty browser
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    I think Windows will be a Linux kernel with a WinNT wrapper.
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    What specifically? It doesn't work very well, but trust is a strong word.
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    It works pretty well, what do you mean?
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    @SortOfTested it works great, what do you mean?
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    Just a lil hint.

    MS is exploring other (OS-) platforms.

    MS SQL server on linux was just a beginning I guess.

    ... What do you need to develop on Windows for other platforms...

    Something like WSL...

    It's just that they finally accepted that most people hate Windows Server. And If I remember, last Windows Server was pretty BAD tm.
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    Fuck I prefer raspbian over any wsl
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    @fzammetti Microsoft’s favorite target rye there

    It’s not their seeing Linux as a threat, they extend their own OS to embrace the new standards - we as community need in order to extinguish a large part that would have gone Mac/Linux fully. Additionally, many companies run Windows and with that in mind, “real” developers can finally have a Dream come true to work on Linux while being required to use windows.

    The basic things of wsl are working and it’s a pretty neat idea, but in the end, Microsoft is struggling with old standards like NTFS and access rights and its a pain sometimes.
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    If you don't do anything with Linux other than run Microsoft demos, sure. We stopped offering windows laptops at work because WSL utterly fails at ant active containerization development workflows.

    There's no award for ignoring problems in a platform you depend on.
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    The problem manifests in both.
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