
Please can you. Give me a good project to practice object oriented Programming?

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    More information required, what language and whats your knowledge Level in Said language.
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    JavaScript and php

    All my old program are just procedural
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    @Afrographics try to create an e-commerce or a hotel booking website
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    @volttide ok interresting.
    Please can you tell me briefly how an e-commerce website works?

    In fact the basics functionalities of an e-commerce website
  • 5
    Jesus fucking Christ dude.

    Use Google. Literally just fuckin google it. It's not brain surgery. If you're not gonna put forth your own effort into researching this, why on God's earth should we help you?
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    @Stuxnet just. Suggest me an interresting fucking project.

    That's all I'm asking 🤦🚶🚶🚶.
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    @Afrographics I suggest you take your fucking smol brain and use what little bit of power it can produce to head on over www.google.com and ask the exact same question.
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    @Stuxnet you are not oblige to be that harsh
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    @Afrographics I am whenever it's been said literally multiple times *DIRECTLY TO YOU* that we're not fucking Google and you should put forth some fucking effort and not be so damn lazy.
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    I got u fam
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    @Afrographics you need to understand man, you have asked easily googleable questions MULTIPLE times. You really can't expect people to NOT give you any shit for it from time to time
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    @Stuxnet Now that's a dev rant!
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    Maybe you'll have an ad soon about it
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    @owenw this dude's account is a shit show of asking very basic questions that should have been googled. The question category isn't made to turn this place into your search bar or stack overflow. Idk why he can't comprehend that.

    I've got nothing against questions. Asked quite a few myself, but he could have at least put forth some effort for fuck sakes. It's extremely annoying.
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    I would start with something porn related.
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    @Jilano no no no don't give him ideas. This smooth brain would probably ask that
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