
In the past, the company that i worked gave to all the employees usb to save whatever they want, after that, this happened.

Me: Hi, how can i help you today?
User: The USB that IT gave to us it's broken.
Me: Broken?
User: Yeah, i can't plug-in in my computer.
Me: Did you try turn around?
User: Of course i.. ah, f**k yeah.

And ends the call.

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    i did that once, but i was evil about it, it was just a usb component without cable or device attached, they demanded a free usb, in a very rude way (did not say what it was for, eg usb stick or usb drive), 3 windows reinstalls later they still couldn't figure out what went wrong, i told them i'd fix their computer and usb, did nothing and gave them a 512mb usb stick, and got payed 100 euro's for repair time..
    granted this was almost 8 years ago
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