
Anyone knows any high power IoT LoRa boards? I have tried the adafruit and heltech ones, but didn't do much. I need it for a low permittivity environment.

  • 1
    Uh, I believe Arduino themselves recently released one with LoRa.
    Check in their catalouge.
  • 1
    @Ranchu yea, the protena or something right, that isn't powerful enough
  • 1
    @PyVic more powerful than that?
    Oh Boy, No idea sorry
  • 0
    @PyVic CubeCell (or LubeLell, lol) from heltec. This one has 22dbm at 868mhz theoretically. I get good range to a sx1301 (i think) macro cell gateway.
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    Keep in mind what the regulations are! In the EU868 band, you may only transmit with a 1% duty cycle and +14dBm
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    @pxeger high transmission power and also if you know of a high gain antenna
  • 0
    @PyVic antenna (for basestation) mikrotik tof-0809-7v-s1
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