manually writing multiselector widget with jquery and javascript, because you need to be able hackily pass in metadata for some stupid fucking edge case that the previous generation didn't want to deal with

please euthanize me, i fucking hate frontend and im sure it hates me back

  • 0
    That definitely sounds like previous generation development.

    Time to change your LinkedIn status to "desperately looking to mingle."
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    Spent the better part of three hours today specifically fighting a multiselector that didn't want to load data, and true enough, shit had been broken since 2015 because someone decided to add options for multi selections going in, but not retrieving and editing afterwards!

    (And of course this is for controlling view from AD groups, but the thing that was supposed to parse it was also not up to date for the multi input)
  • 0
    Extra icing on the fuckign cake, getting in shit for being slow as fuck trying to do this and not doing roadmap work like all the other devs.

    Having to work on this shit where automated tests aren't available to make it easier to do properly, as you're trying to clean this shit up.
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