
Google got documenting right. Any product from google got a solid documentation — change my mind.

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    🍿angular haters asseeeembleeeee.
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    @SortOfTested haha what else?
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    Angular docs are great, but there's a lot of people who just want someone to spoon-feed them the result of Dijkstra's algorithm.
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    Unfortunately, Google's services are usually as well-documented as they are transient.
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    I always feel like I can never close any tabs because I'm afraid I won't ever find them again when ready Google documentation
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    @pythondev haha I don't believe you.
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    Angular's docs generator Dgeni. I tried to use it once, but I have no fucking clue how it is supposed to work and why the docs of Angular 2 use a AngularJS docs generator.
  • 2
    It's stuff most people learn in practice on large projects. Dunno what else I can say.

    I'm starting to feel our industry is now weak because people just don't know how to read anymore. I have no idea how most people passed linear algebra.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Agreed. Had a junior cry big crocodile tears, as she had to actually read documentation for once. She was completely lost without the IDE autocompleting everything.
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