Epic games got big balls

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    @sudocode I don’t think apple is a company that would want to make too many enemies
    I am just happy for developer community. I mean you pay 30% apple tax then 30% govt tax that’s too much

    I know apple won’t allow 3rd party payments but even if they reduce apple tax by 10%, or instead of removing app may be just block the feature that is not following guidelines. These are welcome improvements
  • 4
    The more details I hear about apple platforms the more de-incentivized I am to build anything for those platforms.
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    @sudocode They may *have* to back off if the lawsuit goes against them. Clearly Epic's lawyers think there's a very good chance of that happening, or else they wouldn't have planned this in the first place.
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    @sudocode Could be others vs Apple and Google. Google takes a similar percentage and has excluded Epic stuff from play store because this as well.
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    @Demolishun oh google is much worse !!

    Atleast apple tells you what you have done wrong
    Google just says fuck off and deletes your app
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    @hardfault I know on android you can install apks outside of play store. Can you do this on apple? Or is it completely locked down?
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    @Demolishun but we can’t make money on those apps that are from outside play-store

    Yes apple is completely locked, you can’t do any development without paying $99 to apple
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