Windows 10 is a bloody virus that hijacks and controls your life. Wasting away my morning cause if updates... 2 hours and counting....

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    Even worse when you want to get rid of the bastard. Took me far too long to finally be able to erase that bootloader
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    @SirusAmory I only have it on my work laptop and pc, but truly hate it... The OS is borderline malware in my opinion.
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    @GhostDev totally, when you look at the amount of net traffic from a idle Win10 machine it makes you feel physically violated.
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    @SirusAmory indeed! And how it just hijacks your Windows 7 or 8 OS, like we know you said don't update but screw you we are gonna start updating anyways. And how it is not compatable with direct x 9 like at all... Fluff that noise.
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    @GhostDev luckily there are ways to get around that. I'm still happily running win 8 with no intention of upgrading.
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    @StefanH I feel you, arrived at 7:30, started work at 11:00... Contacted my boss to tell him of the predicament but forgot to capture time and tell him when I started again, cause I am in such a rush to get work done... I am a failure as a human today... (Oo')
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