Fucking hell it pisses me off when you go to so much trouble to streamline processes, set up systems that improve workflow and solve issues, find better solutions and show how they make life easier... and people are like "yeah nah let's just do things the same old shitty way we've always done things".

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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    Sucks. But do you believe it could be an communication problem on your behalf?

    I often struggle when i'm knee deep into a subject to adequately explain and ignite enthusiasm in others. As for me the new level of knowledge i've aquired is the new normal. And the thinking is, normalcy is boring to explain and not worth the hassle. But that's what's needed when you want to introduce new stuff.

    And there should be a personal benefit for the seasoned developer that makes him/her excited.
    Just "New shiny thing does X" will lead to "fuck off! (new = bad/threat)" instead "New shiny thing does that for you and you no longer have to care about x and you can now impress your boss with xyz too." will more likely lead ro "Woah sign me up!"

    Thank you for joining my TedTalk 😄
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    Sometimes the problem is that the developers are fighting with some urgent functional problem, time schedules, releasing, documentation etc. And then there's some guy who starts sending emails about new flow processes and scripts etc. Which means that everything comes to screeching halt and the team starts to try move to the new system. Only to discover that it actually fucks everything up.

    I've seen cases where "let's streamline the flow" leads to loss of editors, themes, bookmarks, your own way of doing (which has been working fine for 10 years).

    There's also the principle of "if it ain't broken, don't fix it".
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    I get you, would ++ several times if I could.

    We have time, nothing urgent is on the way, let's make things better and easier for all of us!

    Great thing, works like a charm then there's that one monkey that didn't applied the changes, overwrites everything new with old and resolves conflicts poorly without telling anyone, merges to master, because fuck you PR.

    Now we all have conflicts and fucked up histories, cause everybody works in his own task/feature branch!

    Those fucking monkeys, that is the real reason why we can't have nice things!
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    @devJs , I think there's a difference between the workflow and the actual code that is being written. The code for sure needs to follow common practices etc, but touching peoples way of doing is risky business.

    I am now talking about the way the tools are used. Which editors, what setups and so on. Also version controlling goes under this category. Sometimes you have a version controlling system that has been used for certain way for long time, and then there's someone who wants to suddenly add checkin-hooks to check that commit messages are in certain form. And the guy has himself come up with the "rules" based on what he himself wants to see. Ignoring everyone else. So basically everybody else needs to "streamline" their ways to fit one guys mood.
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