
My life right now

  • 3
    Sit down, learn something, then apply for an internship.
  • 4
    My friend sent me a pic from her job application process today: one company wanted 7 years of experience for a junior dev.. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
  • 1
    Relatability level: maximum
  • 1
    I feel you.

    I spent a couple months dealing with recruiters and such and man I just want to talk to the technical guy / hiring manager so we can sort this shit out in like 5 minutes...

    At times it feels like entire industrial complex with a song and dance that doesn't feel like it is connected to the job in any way.
  • 0

    You know what to do
  • 1
    Do portfolio projects count as work experience though? 😯
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